Accreditation Process
What is an Accreditation
Webster defines
accreditation as "to give trust or confidence to: to
vouch for; to recommend; to furnish with credentials, as
an envoy or ambassador"
According to ISO17011:2004 Accreditation means:
Third-party attestation related to a conformity
assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its
competence to carry out specific assessment tasks.
UK Akkreditation and Certification Board Limited
accreditation of the Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)
and Further Training / Educational Institutions convey
formal demonstration to carry out specific
certification, inspection, registration
verification/validation, assessment, testing, and
calibration and Training/Educational activities. This
independent assessment and recognition of Conformity
Assessment Bodies (CABs) and Further Training /
Educational Institutions may permit the accredited
organizations tests, examination reports and
certificates to be recognized as equivalent to
organizations in other countries.
Who can
be accredited?
Akkreditation and Certification Board Limited
accreditations to conformity assessment bodies (CAB).
These bodies consist of laboratories, certification and
inspection bodies, providers of proficiency tests and
reference material producers.
A CAB may be accredited by
UK Akkreditation and
Certification Board Limited
if it meets the requirements of the corresponding
international standards.
Laboratories: Testing and Calibration
Laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025)
Medical Laboratories: ISO 15189
Inspection Bodies: ISO/IEC 17020
Certification Bodies for Person: ISO/IEC 17024
for Management Systems: ISO/IEC 17021
for Products: ISO/IEC 17065 (or EN 45011)
Validation and Verification Bodies: ISO 14065
Providers of Proficiency Tests: ISO/IEC 17043
Producers of Reference Materials: ISO Guide 34
Process 1 – Applying
for Accreditation
UK Akkreditation and
Certification Board Limited is the national
body with responsibility for accreditation in accordance
with the relevant International Organization for
Standardization ISO 9000 series of standards and guides.
Accreditation is a process in which certification of
competency, authority, or credibility is presented.
The Benefits of
Confidence in the market place and in our public
services is essential. Trust is placed in the products
and services on offer often without a second thought by
the customer, such are the regulations and standards
against which products are manufactured and services
For Government
There are many duties placed on government departments,
local authorities and other agencies to confirm that
trust is maintained. Whether it is health, water
quality, food, consumer goods or transport safety, for
example, the public sector delivers the framework for
the assurance that goods and services are safe and the
environment we live in is clean and protected.
Accreditation by UK
Akkreditation and Certification Board Limited
can also limit the need for government to regulate
industry and the professions. It provides an alternative
means of ensuring the reliability of activities that
have the potential to impact on public confidence or the
national reputation.
UK Akkreditation and Certification Board Limited,
where requested, assesses organizations and recommends
to government their appointment as Notified Bodies as
required by EU Directives and Regulations.
For Business
Companies big and small buy independent evaluations
either through choice (to reduce the risk of product
failure for example) or as a consequence of legal
requirements (such as health and safety regulations).
Most commonly these evaluations are calibration of
equipment, product testing, and inspection of equipment
and certification of quality management systems.